Thursday, October 9, 2003

Major General RS Pannu


TEJANA-Texas Cowgirl said...

He had 2 daughters and 1 son. He said that he also, had a textile business and exported textiles to Germany.He was a good man, a good father who always looked after the welfare of his children and wife. He took his daughters to live in the family home after, marriage to be able to protect and continue helping the family. General Rhagubir Singh Pannu said, upon one interview that he was going to Israel to work on an irrigation project. He was a man with a definite foresight and directive. Spiritual to be able to pet a vicious animal and calm that animal. Said he had visited many spiritual people in his lifetime.I asked him, if, he had visited Saie Baba and he answered yes. He was in San Antonio, Texas and I was fortunate to meet him and interview him. May God Bless him in his new spiritual journey in the heavens. By and

TEJANA-Texas Cowgirl said...

General Rhagubir Singh Pannu, I met him in San Antonio, Texas . I was honored to have interviewed him. He said he had 2 daughters and 1 son. He was proud of his family. He was a man who had dedicated his life to being all that he could be. General Rhagubir Singh Pannu has left this physical plane, but is remembered by organizations and by many for his outstanding contribtuions. He was recognized by Icongo and his wife, received the honor of the award for her husband.